Since this is last day of November I want to finish my trip to Houston.
Nov. 4,2011 I took the tour called Texas Star Tour. We had 2 buses full that left at 7:45-6:30. We went over 100 miles northwest of Houston to 3 quilt shops and to see the new Texas Quilt Museum in La Grange. The tour gave some Texas history since it is the 175th anniversary of Texas's indepedence from Mexico. We stopped at the Washington on the Brazos and Winedale Historial complex. We saw several very old quilts at Winedale. We stopped at Round Top, TX. It was a cute top with stores and resturants. We stopped at the Copper Shade Tree shop to see a display called Quilts by Men. It was several quilts made by men from all over the USA. They was several cute stores and a wonderful resturant called Royers. It was a small by in the style of the 50-60's. They had great homemade pies and got a piece of cherry pie. Our lunch was late to eat in the park at Round Top so had to eat them on the bus. That was disappointing because it was a beautiful day to eat outside. We went to a quilt store called Gerline's which was so small it was hard to move around in it. The next stop was in Giddings,TX called Around the Block which was a very nice shop. We went to the Texas Quilt Museum which was great. The last quilt store was in Katy,TX which was nice. The tour was running behind on time and then going home there was an accident that made us really late. We got back to the convention center at 7:45. I had a great time talking to a lady from Australia. It was a fun group of quilters on our bus. One of the gals won 2 1st place awards for hand made and handmade applique. It was a very fun day!! I will post a few pictures of the tour.
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