Vintage Trailer Quilt

Vintage Trailer Quilt

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day

We got about 1-2" of snow this morning. It was suppose to snow about 6" but didn't happen. It is fun how the news makes a big deal of a snowstorm. It is a great day for quilting. I started working on table runner for spring and working on a flower quilt by Melinda Bula. I wanted to do a quilt in her book before I have her 2 day workshop in Sisters this July. I will start a Valentine's table runner today.
I did get my pictures back from Cloth/Paper Studios on Tuesday. The editor said she found them in a "to be considered" folder. I sent them a year ago. She said you have a lovely studio but it is not a good fit for the magazine at this time. The magazine cost $14.99 which is expensive. I'm glad I tried to get my article/pictures in the magazine. I plan to get the spring edition but no more after that issue.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cloth-Paper Scissors Studios

Last year I sent an article and over 10 pictures to explain about my 2 quilt studios to this magazine. The magazine wanted anyone to submit an article and pictures about what you do and why you space works for you. I have posted the pictures of my 2 studios in my blog last year.
I never heard from them after I mailed it to them.
Long story short, I wrote a quick note on Facebook to editor and she wrote back that she never got it and to send a few pictures of my studios. She was sorry that the pictures and article got missed placed ect. I sent a few pictures and she wrote back that my studio was pretty and functional but they wanted more unusual decor and storage spaces ideas. I was disappointed in her reply because she never read my article or saw all of my pictures. I did write her back about my disappointment in her reply but haven't heard back yet. Oh well, I did get great pictures of my studios and give it a try to get into a magazine. This will the last issue I get because it is expensive and gone to upper class for me


I read an interested article in Quilter's Home Febr/March 2011 about blogging. She was asking a question about all the quilting and sewing blogs and how to go about setting up a blog and contents of it. It was very helpful. I like to blog even if I have only a few followers. It gives me an outlet to express my feeling about anything. I love to show my quilt projects because I LOVE QUILTING. I can show pictures of my studios and quilts to anyone out in the World Wide Web. It is fun to look at other womens blogs about quilting. There is a site called Quilting Bloggers which is free and has quilters from all over the world.
The last statement in the article says "Here's the best blog advice though: Have fun, be faithful and interesting. I have fun with my quilt blog and will try to be faithful and as interesting as possible.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Maddie Mae

This is a new picture of Maddie. She is 9 months old. She is the most flexible dog as you can see lying spread eagle. She loves to go to the beach and dig in the sand.

Engima Batik Quilt

This is a picture of the batik quilt which I finally finished last week. I had it finished last year but not quilted. I love the colors in it. I have another set of 8 fat quarters from Pin Cushion to make another twin size quilt.

Happy Valentine's Day

It is great to see all the flowers in the grocery for Valentine's Day. It feels like spring is coming soon. I got lovely flowers from my sweetheart. I finished my 2 wallhanging which are called LOVE and SWEET HEARTS. I got the pattern for Sweet Hearts in Fons and Porter Easy Quilts magazine. The Love wallhanging is patterned off the Cottage Creek Quilts. I finished a twin size batik quilt called Enigma which 8 fat quarters and pattern from Pincushion Boutique/Davis,CA. I got the binding on the Sweet Hearts today and will get a binding on the batik quilt in the next few days. I did a fall table runner called Fall Finery by Patrick Lose. I finished that during the holidays.

I really love the Sweet Hearts quilt which will hang near the front door. I want to make a few heart table runners too. I made a cute long wallhanging called Buckets of Fun from a pattern.

It was fun to make all the different colored sand buckets and shovels. I have it in the guest bathroom.